Landrace Gardening
Learn how to grow locally adapted, nutrient dense food, using promiscuous pollination and traditional selection methods
Available courses are taught by plant breeder and gardener, Joseph Lofthouse, and plant scientist, Dr James White. Additional teachers coming in 2023.
Click on each course below to see the lesson outline
Joseph Lofthouse teaches the specific process for adapting vegetable crops to your specific location and challenges. Lessons from other growers, and many resources.
(43) 5.0 average ratingThis course is taught by Dr. James White of Rutgers University. Guaranteed to change the way you save seeds, or consider nutrient deficiencies, nutrient density in crops, and disease resistance.
(16) 4.8 average ratingBesides many hours of quality course content that has been developed over the past year, you will get access to much more:
Join an active and engaged private landrace gardening community for inspiration, ideas and peer support. Ask questions, share photos, post your ideas for feedback. Gain access to the current platform for swapping seeds, and benefit as it evolves throughout the year.
Landrace Gardeners have been sending in their promiscuously pollinated, uncoddled seeds from all over the country. These seeds will be available on a sliding scale starting in the middle of December
Join a monthly landrace community zoom call to get questions answered, meet other landrace gardeners, and hear from occasional guest speakers.
Very solid information. Feed back on comments and questions was quick and helpful. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to be food independent and to help their community thrive with growing locally adapted food close to home.
Very solid information. Feed back on comments and questions was quick and helpful. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to be food independent and to help their community thrive with growing locally adapted food close to home.
Read LessThis is an excellent companion to the previous course. Instead of focusing on the above ground plant diversity and seed, I now also have a perspective on the underground communities that influence plant growth and genetics. I was already familiar...
Read MoreThis is an excellent companion to the previous course. Instead of focusing on the above ground plant diversity and seed, I now also have a perspective on the underground communities that influence plant growth and genetics. I was already familiar with a lot of the basic biology and did not find the course overly scientific. It definitely encouraged me to keep an experimental mind set and to try new things with microbes.
Read LessThanks so much for putting this together. Its reaffirming to see that intuitive farming and selection processes that have been practiced by peoples for millennia are actually the best way to garden...its unfortunate that these traditions have been...
Read MoreThanks so much for putting this together. Its reaffirming to see that intuitive farming and selection processes that have been practiced by peoples for millennia are actually the best way to garden...its unfortunate that these traditions have been breed out of us! The information was well organized and easy to digest in small bites. You've really considered and answered alot of the questions that would come up for people being newly introduced to gardening and even the seasoned professional.
Read LessI found this course quite good, and hope that it expands. This is hopefully the very beginning of a new (yet old) way of living. I read Joseph's book just after starting a large garden this year. This course and the book have helped me immensel...
Read MoreI found this course quite good, and hope that it expands. This is hopefully the very beginning of a new (yet old) way of living. I read Joseph's book just after starting a large garden this year. This course and the book have helped me immensely to plan for this fall planting and years to follow. The principals of landrace gardening just make so much sense to me. There is a lot more to explore here. Thank you
Read Less“I just want to tell you how impressed I am with the content of the course. When I read the Landrace Gardening book I was a mixture of impressed with the power of the content, and disappointed with a lack of feeling 'connected' with the living voice of the content. Having the videos of you talking to Joseph in your gardens brought the video to life for me in such an engaging way. Personally, I would pay for this course, even after having read the book. And I'm kinda stingy! ;)”
“Taking the lessons and I’m very excited. It’s something that I was looking for but couldn’t even put it into words, as I didn’t know about landracing.”
“I finished the course last night and the information is really excellent and a great value for the cost. As someone who loves growing and maintaining specific varieties it truly opened my eyes up to the benefits of more genetic diversity in my garden. I can't wait to start experimenting with a spinach landrace this year. ”
“From the bottom of my heart, thank you for putting this course together. It is absolutely mind blowing and inspiring and terrifying and exciting. I know I applied for a scholarship, but this course is genuinely valuable to me as a farmer, as a horticultural enthusiast and as a human. I would like to therefore pay my tuition and hope that perhaps someone more needy than me can take up a scholarship.”
“This is such an interesting course. I'm really enjoying it! ”
“Your changing the way I farm. Brilliant content!”
“Loving the course! I had no idea this was a thing and I find myself telling everybody all the time about it! I am so excited and have gotten multiple neighbors on board and a few signing up for the class as well! ”